
.:: Section Title Here ::.
This theme is called "Blue Wash." It's not hard to figure out why.
I went for 'tasteful' and 'easy to read' on this one.

It's comprised of HTML tables and graphic images.

Font used for the section titles :
Century Gothic, Size 5, Bold, Colour #FFFFFF.
Font used for the content tables :
Times New Roman, Size 3, Bold, Italic, and colour #FFFFFF.
Font used on the buttons :
EckmannD, Size 36, White
Font colour used on unvisited links :
Font colour used on active links :
Font colour used on visited links :
Background colour set (in case of image outage) :

There are 12 buttons, plus an additional 'blank' button
as well for those of you who wish to make your own instead.
I've also included both a title/header graphic as well
as a BLANK title/header graphic for the same reasons as the blank navigational button.

The background is achieved with a single graphic, which is also included in the file.

Please note :
I DO NOT help people to set up their pages.
I DO NOT do coding on requests, so please save us both time and don't ask.
I just don't have the time for that sort of endeavour.

For those of you who are new, or need a refresher, or a good reference for HTML coding,
check out thePage Resource for any tutorials you'd need to grasp at the very
least a basic, if not intermediate understanding of HTML.

Zip file can be Downloaded Here.


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